Written by Lily, Illustrated by Nina
Written by Alexandria, Photographed by Issy
Madness to Method

Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain
Of hair
Of sweat
Of smoke from ill-advised cigarettes
(I could be doing worse. Save your nagging.)
Do not watch as
She sprints
She raves
She whirls in erratic ellipses
(It is all necessary; I swear)
Disregard, please and thank you,
Her chatter
Her mania
Her gnarled, stained hands
(I’ll scrub them after but this first just this)
Instead, observe the beautiful thing!
The one she toiled over!
The one wrapped in velvet phrases!
The one she wants you to tear into with hands and mouths and eyes!
(Eat it love it tell me what you liked what you didn’t I must know for the next, please)
(I am faced with a two way mirror
One side full of eager, expectant faces
One side empty save for me, bone-tired in all iterations
I try to stay on the latter, but the glow of their gazes seeps through-)
What on earth is she staring at now?
Written by Connor, Illustrated by Mia